Lisa Community is situated in the heart of Ifo Local Government of Ogun State in Nigeria.

Lisa is small town with massive lands for agriculture. The people of Lisa are mainly into agriculture which is the core strength of Lisa Community. It is surrounded by over 20 small communities and has so much influence on them. Whatever happens in Lisa affects the whole communities around. Upon the establishment of OOF, we swung into action to revitalize the Lisa community and its environs. Several developmental projects were activated and so far, we have recorded a huge success story which we are ready to share with the world and take the legacy and impacts of the change to several communities in Nigeria and Africa. We have done so much in developing the Lisa Community, we want to share this story to inspire more changes and development around the globe.


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Our Background

The grassroot communities of Nigeria have not been well governed over the years in Nigeria.

The country as a whole has suffered from mis-governance and bad leadership with no clear picture of a bright political future where the plight of the people will be put as priority of the government. Recently, Nigeria has been declared the poverty capital of the world with over 92% of Nigerians living below the poverty line of 5 dollars per day. The country is plagued with all manner of instability and the unrest is growing. This is true for Nigeria and for most parts of Africa. The challenges facing the African continent is not the non-availability of resources both human and natural. It is a direct disconnection between the human resources and the natural resources due to bad leadership as mentioned above. Over the years, it has been completely blamed on the government but recent studies have shown that development is a collective responsibility of the government and the governed and as a matter of fact, the governed play more vital roles in ensuring that there is good governance. Upon the establishment of OOF, we swung into action to revitalize the Lisa community and its environs. Several developmental projects were activated and so far, we have recorded a huge success story which we are ready to share with the world and take the legacy and impacts of the change to several communities in Nigeria and Africa. We have done so much in developing the Lisa Community, we want to share this story to inspire more changes and development around the globe.

The high rate of corruption has made matters worse for the development of Africa as it has become a norm that has eaten deep into the fiber of our day to day dealings. There is need for an emergency response to salvage our communities particularly our children and youths from corruption and unethical societal practices which is becoming a culture faster than ever. Corruption has made development almost impossible in the urban areas, so what happens to the grassroots when even the cities suffer from the scourge of corruption. This is a rhetorical question that already shows clearly that we must respond to developmental issues in our communities as fast as we can within the resources that we are able to put together

The Millennium Development Goals otherwise known as the MDGs ( Implemented from 2000-2015) were well orchestrated but at the end of the day, study shows that many communities particularly the grassroots were left out in the fifteen years run of the Millennium Development Goals in Nigeria; this as well can be traced to corruption, incompetence and lack of wholistic approach that would have covered all concerned. So many organisations performed well but many grassroots were left out.

 The SDGs; A Pathway to carrying everyone along:

In 2015, world leaders signed an agreement on the Sustainable Development Goals.
The formulation process of the Sustainable Development Goals and the deep details found in the enunciated 17 Goals have clearly shown that there was a serious thinking and concern for the grassroots. The Sustainable Development Goals are 17 doubling the Millennium Development Goals.

They are as follows:

  • End Poverty in all its forms everywhere.
  • End hunger, achieve Food Security and Improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture.
  • Ensure healthy lives and promote wellbeing for all at all ages
  • Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
  • Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
  • Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for
  • Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for
  • Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
  • Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
  • Reduce inequality within and among countries.
  • Make cities and human settlement inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
  • Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
  • Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
  • Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
  • Protect, restore and promote sustainable use for terrestrial ecosystem, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
  • Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
  • Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.
  • The words Inclusive, all, equality and equitable have clearly shown that there is need for the grassroots to be carried along in the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals.

With the new Sustainable Development Goals stressing on inclusiveness and equality, we are not going to hope for the best alone but the OOF is prepared to play a key role in ensuring that more grassroots are carried along than ever in the next fifteen years.

Youth constitute over 70% of Nigerian population. There is so much poverty and high rate of unemployment in the country and the standard of education has completely collapsed. This as well, calls for a massive response if we really want to save the future. There is serious need for deeply rooted intervention programmes that target youth and community development.

There is no limit to the greatness of Nigeria and Africa if the youth can be ignited to change themselves and be the change in their various fields and communities.
The ironical jinx of the youth not contributing to the development of Nigeria and Africa as they ought to must be broken. Effective education must be targeted at these age groups to ensure that they are spurred to creativity and inventions. Most especially at the grassroots and the suburbs.

There have been several initiatives that have done wonderful programmes and there are still a lot more doing well but most of these good programmes do not get to the grassroots and we are concerned about this at OOF and will ensure that the grassroots are carried along in all the good programmes that are going on at the global, international and national levels.

Intellectual altruism is giving way to mediocrity. Excellence is giving way to short cut approaches with no virtue in them. Examination mal practices is a major norm now that is accepted even by parents and most of those who are supposed to be custodians of education. This affects the city and also the grassroots as well.

There is no room for innovativeness anymore, young people of this generation are trained to become intellectual zombies at best following orders of what is written on the manual most of which are outdated. People are no more creating pathways for the next generation when we have not even understood the pathways created by previous generation. There is so much disconnect and total loss of educational values.

If care is not taken, Nigeria will never for a long period of time be able to reproduce another set of intellectuals who as well are sound in character like Wole Soyinka, Chinua Achebe, Engineer Awojobi and a host of other intellectuals who shook the whole world in the time of their youth. As a foundation, OOF is dedicated to ensuring that the grassroots communities have access to qualitative education and as well contribute our voice to ensuring that young people get good education irrespective of where they live.

The little fire on the candle can still light other candles when the needed to be done is done in time. The education of Nigeria can be salvaged and the future can still be secured. This will not be a piece of cake going by the level of damage in the Nigerian educational standard and the deep corruption in the system. OOF is committed to this aspect of development as well.

We must get rid of the bad culture of forgetting our heroes and people who have done good to the country. We have seen countless numbers of Nigerians who have made Nigeria proud at one point or the other suffer in abject poverty and acute penury.

A case of Pa Taiwo Akinkunmi who made the Nigerian Flag also living a low life without any reasonable subventions and recognition from the government amongst many others have become the reason so many Nigerians don’t have any form of love for the country.

Advocacy to reward past heroes both dead and alive must be brought up and pushed to a logical conclusion. When people see that there is so much to gain for being patriotic, they will go extra mile for their fatherland. As a foundation, we are committed to promoting reward system.

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